It's busy around here in September, yet I can detect notes of a slowdown on the horizon. The soybeans and corn are both starting to dry, the rains have all but vanished and there's a tinge of red on the tips of the maples.

William has been wildcat busy cutting, raking and baling hay and on top of it all, decided the sagging floor in the West Hay Mow was long overdue for a new support system and floor. The last couple of days he and a neighbor cut out the old floor, jacked up the barn, sawed new support beams and boards for the floor and put it all back together. The things that guy can do just blows my mind!

While William does all this hard work, I've been picking raspberries, watching the zinnias bloom and making a few things for the farm store here and there. I've got it made!

This last week has been big for peppers around here! William's SUPERHOT REHAB SAUCE made with a variety of Reapers and Habaneros and a few of their spicy friends is back in the store! I had some fun with a mountain of onions and garlic, our sunflower oil and peppers to make a Peanut Chili Oil. It's got nice flavor but this one is NOT superhot. It's great on stir fries, fried rice, or vegetable hash.
I've been adding new products to the store most days as we have such wonderful inspiration in vegetables and fruits this time of year.
I hope all of you are doing well settling back into your routines and enjoying that post summer final push to enjoy every last bit of it!
Sending lots of love from the farm,
I live in San Diego but make an annual summer trek to my home state. And that always includes a drive down the river road. Maiden Rock is always a favorite stop to visit Cultural Cloth and the Pelican Bake Shop. This year we added a stop at Lake View Farm. Stopped by on a quiet Sunday AM to say Hello (sleeping in?😀) and was greeted by your Watch Cat and a gaggle of ducks. Came away with a stash of your yummy molasses cookies. See you next summer! All the best to you & yours! Martha