I'd like to invite you to join me for a farm to farm walking tour. Besides getting exercise, making new friends, discussing health and wellness, you will learn a little about farming in Western Wisconsin. Bonus: the weekend weather is promising to be cool and lovely!
Your tour will start from Lake View Organic Farm promptly at 10:00 AM Saturday and/or Sunday August 29th or 30th. You will enjoy a scenic route that will take us to the Brenner's second farm, the Driftless Dirt Farm and back. At the Driftless Dirt Farm we will stop for a garden tour and water break then head down through one of the gorgeous Driftless Coulees on the old "Sleepy Hollow Road" and back up to Lake View Farm. The route is approximately 4 miles, but don't let that scare you! It's a gorgeous walk with a few butt-crunching hills and many flat stretches for easy walking.Â
COST: $10 per person (Scholarships available upon request) Pay at Farm Store upon arrival
OTHER: Wear sturdy walking shoes as some of the route is on gravel. Temps are supposed to be in the high 60s to lower 70s, so dress accordingly. Don't carry too much stuff, you'll be hindered. Your belongings can be safely stored at Lake View Farm until we return.
LENGTH OF TOUR: Approximately 2 hours 10 AM - 12 PM
COVID CONSIDERATIONS: Social distancing will be mandatory while walking. Masks necessary for visiting. It'll likely be an on and off mask event. We will all respect each other's needs.
RSVP: Make the commitment to your health and wellness! Send me a note to let me know what day you will join the tour.

Hope you had a good turnout. The weather could not be better for a hike in the woods.